From: dave06a at> > > Mask out
the index pulse if all you're going to do is read. 22Disk > > needs an index
only for formatting (the old 10x512 problem). The > > same should be the case with
Uniform. Also, I show FOUR different > > 5.25" CDOS formats, which one are you
using? Usually when you get > > cross-linked files, it's an issue with the
definition that you're > > using. AFAIK, at least from the CDOS samples I have
here, the > > allocation and naming setup is the same as CP/M.> > Hi
Chuck,> > Thanks for the suggestions.> > I was told that these are DSDD CDOS
diskettes, and reading them with> ImageDisk gives me double density on both sides
except for the first> track which is single density.> > The shareware 22disk has
four Cromemco types:> CRO1 Cromemco CDOS - SSSD 48 tpi 5.25" > CRO3 Cromemco
CDOS - SSDD 48 tpi 5.25"> CRO4 Cromemco CDOS - DSDD 48 tpi 5.25"> CRO6
Cromemco CP/M - SSDD 48 tpi 5.25"> > Of these, CRO4 (and only CRO4) gives me
what looks like a readable> directory with reasonable filenames. However it reports
that files> have cross-linked blocks.> > Masking out pin 8 (Index) on the 34-pin
connector has no effect, I> still get:> > Error reading diskette B: (Cyl 1, Side
1, Sect 1)> Sector not found> > This sector DOES exist, both ImageDisk and
TeleDisk can read it fine,> however no amount of "Retry" will convice 22disk
to read it.
Not all the formats that 22DISK has are correct. Cross linked files
would indicate that your just not seeing the disk correctly.
Interleaving is the most likely problem but it might be just that
the tool is pointing to the wrong location for the directory.
The fact that it sees some meaningful names indicates
that is is close. I suspect interleaving may still be the
main issues.
It is too bad there are no text files, these can often
help to figure these out interleaving. You should still scan the binary
images. Sometimes there are old deleted files still on the
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