On Thu, 31 May 2007 11:24:34 -0700 (PDT), Fred Cisin wrote:
... I AM NOT asking what "should be", I'm talking about comparing what
compiler authors thought.
That reminds me of Metaware High-C came bundled with the FarCrap DOS extender Autodesk
forced us to use back then. When we opened the box, it contained some BornAgain
along with a nice letter stateing that through the power of our lord ...... we are able to
provide ...... from
Metaware, well you get the idea. Upon installing it and feeding it some known working
MickeySoft C
source, I let loose with a string of curses at the string of cryptic error messages that
seemed to move
never ending up my screen. My partner in crime on the project came into my cave, about
that point, and
asked if I had Jesus C working yet. I about lost it, I later found out I was not alone,
several of the other
deveolpers got their updates on teh same day. Before our version of the story got around,
I soon found
other developers refered to the Metaware/Farlap combination Autodesk built their developer
around as Jesus "C" often with more colorfull stories of their own.
Oh to have lived in interesting times ....
The other Bob