feedle wrote:
Fred Cisin wrote:
However, those of us who were using the word
BEFORE it changed can
not be
forced to use the "modern" form.
I don't object to you using anachronistic forms of words, if that is
what you are in to.
However, don't insist you are right, and belittle or demean those who
use the language according to commonly accepted patterns.
I used to fight "baud" vs. "bps". Not only was it not worth the
breath I wasted, in the end it became irrelevant, as datacom speeds
accelerated to the megabits per second now seen on home DSL/cable
Yeah, you be jammin, so like supposably you maybe like moving like dater
and like idears eck setra.
I read, some years ago, about the opinions of a modern UK chief
lexicographer. He discussed various nuances he found in American slang.
He discussed the transition of words from slang to mainstream language.
It was very interesting. His interpretations of the nuances he referred
to were wrong. Perhaps he will get a job at Treasury (or exchequer).
I still use MOSFETs and HexFETs.
Perhaps the use of descriptive terminology is archaic and we should just
call everything, everywhere, "stuff"? By so doing, we can get more
people excited about what we are doing and not cause any confusion
amongst people who do not know the (previously) correct terminology. The
need to teach might be reduced, thus saving valuable government funds to
bail-out foolish "financial people" while purchasing a formal tux for
the emperor. No one would be discriminated against on the basis of
trivialities such as knowledge and ability.