I don't have much room, but thankfully, manuals are pretty rare.
But I think I wouldn't be able to tolerate having hundreds of manuals
for incredible machinery and never even seeing the machine.
I grab any/all manuals (and data books, general
computing books) that
being thrown out, of course. I also buy just about any
I see in
second-hand bookshops.
But I also buy a lot new. The IBM Techrefs, for example. I've probably
spent more on manuals than on hardware over the years. Having complete
and accurate documentation is very important.
The boston public library probably has more books on writing
computer manuals than any other single thing about computers.
Hmm.. I'd rather have a schematic and a ROM listing with a brief
description, however badly written to a lot of English prose that tells
me nothing. Alas a lot of manuals and books are in the latter category.
> Possibly the rare good ones become Sci-Fi writers :^)
So that's why the
stories never make sense and have tiny chapters :)
ciao larry
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