For learning hardware, an Apple II or an Apple II+ is better since
the large custom chips (MMU and IOU) are not there; instead, almost
everything is generic TTL.
For software, I think the Apple IIe is better. The computer has much more
built-in capabilities (64K, 80-columns, lower case, better keyboard, etc).
The ROMs are replaceable with standard 27 series EPROMs.
I just picked up four Platinum IIes. The firmware is in one ROM (16KB,
27C128 compatible). I also have a SwyftCard. I am going to see if I can
convert the IIe into a Canon Cat. The show-stopper would be if the
SwyftCard uses lots of IIe ROM routines and I cannot fit it all into 16KB.
Paul R. Santa-Maria
Monroe, Michigan USA