At 01:45 PM 7/16/05 -0400, Evan wrote:
>> Help
me understand the problem. How is paying more in an auction being
irresponsible renegade"? What is the downside of someone paying more
for stuff other than raising our own costs. If I had deeper pockets, I'd
pay a lot more for thing I really wanted.
There is nothing wrong with overpaying now and then if you can afford it.
I'd love to have a Curta 1 calculator, but I haven't got the spare five
grand. If I were rich, and saw one for sale immediately at $7,000, would I
buy it? Perhaps. But what if I started buying every Curta to be found for
that price, and refused to tell anyone my identity or intentions?
Has Dennis "refused" to identify himself or his intentions? Have YOU
written to him and asked him??? I'm sure you haven't! I've contacted him
and talked to him and I have no complaints. If you had the courtesy to
contact Dennis directly and ask him politely about his computer interest
I'm sure he would be happy to explain to you but instead you attack him as
an "irresponsible renegade".
Dennis's reasons are his own business! No one made you the police of
computer sales! Assholes like you are the reason that I quit collecting HP
calculators and dumped my entire collection!