At 8:48 PM +0100 9/2/10, Tony Duell wrote:
What MINC I/O modules are there? I have : ADC, DAC,
clock, digital in,
digital out, DMM preamp (essentially V/mA/Ohms converters to feeed into
the ADC) and thermocouple preamp. I know there was an analogue mutiplexer
unit which I;ve not got. Any oters?
These are the ones I know about:
MNCBA The Chassis
MNCSE Slot Expander
MNCAD Analog/Digital Converter (16 channels)
MNCAA Digital/Analog Converter (4 channels)
MNCAG Preamplifier (4 channels)
MNCAM Analog Multiplexer (increases capacity of A/D by 16 channels)
MNCDI Digital Input (16 lines)
MNCDO Digital Output (16 lines)
MNCKW Real-Time Clock
MNCTP Thermocouple Preamplifier (8 channels)
There might be others that were released later.