John Lawson wrote:
On Mon, 4 Apr
2005, Ethan Dicks wrote:
If you come up with a good candidate, let me
know.... I wonder the
same thing myself from time to time, and I just had my Biennial Flight
Review the other day.
ObClassiccmp: While getting my licence, I and my instructor flew a
(then brand-new) Cessna 182RG out to a regoinal airport in Southern
California where I met a previous Listmember and we transferred the
entire RT11 set of docs in several heavy boxes from the trunk of his
car to the back of the airplane, then had lunch and flew back to Santa
Monica, well over a hundred pounds heavier...
Jerome Fine replies:
Your reply is the most on-topic post I gave seen
this week. What could be more important than
a (complete - if it weighs more than a hundred
pounds) DOC set for RT-11.
The last set of complete DOCs for V05.06 of RT-11
was released on August 31st, 1992 or much more
than 10 years ago. There are 13 volumes (numbered
from 1 to 12 but with a 5a and a 5b), but I doubt
they weigh over a hundred pounds since I can easily
pick them all up at the same time. In fact I just
did and asked my wife to read the scale since I
can't see the dial while I am holding the carton.
After subtracting my weight, the V05.06 DOC set
weighs 49 lb. including the 13 medium size binders.
So what was the additional 50 lb. since the DOC
set has become larger and heavier over the years?
I have a V05.04G DOC set squeezed into just 5 LARGE
binders (down from the original 8 since these are
all the largest size) that is only 39 lb. since
there are so few binders.
Sincerely yours,
Jerome Fine
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