I'm asking your inputs on your choices of software for POP3 email
revice/send with editor that quotes previous messages. Must work
to include CRs at end of each line to avoid those annoying one long
liners and remodify "formatting" within 80 columns automatically when
For newsgroups reader/poster program, I like to do one key or two
keys to jump subscribed groups, subjects and messages, skip, tag or
untag to read messages. Free Agent does not meet few cases for
example: when read it should erase itself after few days and prevent
reading read messages again. I had similar thing kind in NewsXpress
before but that junk software broke even with newwer version it
didn't work right since. To be honest, I love the NewsXpress program
interface type and keyboard commands, very sensible.
I would like to find one that is "approved" newsgrioup programs
and I heard that both NewsXpress and Free Agent are not on that list.
Why? Wants to put them on older machines for DOS, Linux (later when
I get the downloads collected) and for win95sux. All for working
with network TBase2 TP network.
The biggest reason for all, ease of use. Doesn't matter if
that is easily understood commands or some learning but learnable if
I know this software is worth having for long learning curve. All
for that sake of making reading efforts easier.:-) Text that I find
in many fonts that my friend gave me is not good enough and look ugly
and very squrinty even at points 12, 14 (yuk) on windows, pixels or
that junk even at larger font size.
BTW all of this colors are yellow on black and I tried so many colour
combinations and not found one other than this. Okay reading black
text on white but this is "too bright" sometimes.
white on blue doesn't work well in GUI but excellent in CLI mode and
ditto for CLI mode following this setup: green on black, and light
grey on black or yellow on black worked well for texts but for menu
based I customize.
Jason D.
email: jpero(a)cgocable.net
Pero, Jason D.