I have seen some old computers the last years... But
the VT05 seems to be
nearly a phantom. I know there exist other VT05s.... I have just seen two
- in the same pile of stuff. And one is mine now. That's the only one
I've ever seen working - after repair :-)
True, I visited a fellow some weeks ago who had three(!), probably not
working. Other than that I've not seen any.
That's interesting. So I need to get a VT52, too.
Will manage that - I hope...
You seem to find everything cool, I'm sure you will pick one of these up
to :)
... And if your 33 is really tooo bad to restore -
just throw it away and
get another one. They stand around in every corner. I did not yet have to
throw one away, but...
I disagree, I just bought one last week and I've been looking for a
while. And I know others who has been looking to.
Anyway, my new toy will need some servicing, now I know where to turn
with my questions :D
Kind Regards,