On Tue, 22 Jan 2013, Dan Gahlinger wrote:
Yes, lots of games and stuff were done in ARexx, sound and images, etc.
yes lots of stuff was made with it, but not many games, and certanly not
any with sounds or graphics.
A search for "arexx game" on aminet brings up excatly 3 hits.
Arexx is a scripting language and has no functions to manipulate anything
but strings, you could use the many library add ons, but I have never seen
anything to facilitate anything more graphical than gui's like gadtoolbox,
triton or mui.
That said its not totally impossible with the help of some arexx add on
libraries to have access to all os functions, but quick look at the
sources in the
http://aminet.net/package/util/rexx/Rxgen package , shows
how ill suited it was for such things.
Jacob Dahl Pind |
telefisk.org | fidonet 2:230/38.8