Hi folks,
I unfortunately lost access to the net last
Sunday/Monday when my Dreamcast (model
HKT:3010 (Hong Kong)) started resetting itself
randomly (usually every 5-10 seconds). Despite
having another one (partially broken - the GD
disc drive doesn't work), a model HKT:3000
(Japanese), I was unable to sort the problem
I did opened up the spare one as a test run
and gave it a good clean out. I checked it
still worked and, apart from the GD disc drive,
it did. I opened up the one I had been using
and, apart from a dead spder in there, it
wasn't at all dirty.
I looked over the connections and did
everything I could to try and get it working
again. It still resets itself randomly, making it
pretty useless other than for spare parts.
I have borrowed my dads one (model HKT: 3030
(UK/Europe?)) so I can get back online and
get a new one from eBay :)
While poking around inside the Dreamcast
games consoles I noticed some familiar
components which I has seen similar versions
of in my Amiga.
The first one is what I have dubbed the "power
towers" and they look like vertical batteries.
Usually come in groups of 5. Can anyone tell
me there name and/or what they do?
The second thing is the erm... plastic(?) "polo
mint" that has what appears to be copper
wire wrapped around it. Can anyone give me
(or send me in the right direction to find)
any information on it.
Thanks in advance,
Andrew B
aliensrcooluk at yahoo.co.uk