Richard wrote...
I did some more targetted Google-ing and found a PDF
book on Pick
BASIC, so I guess I'm on my way :-)
The real beauty of Pick BASIC (aside from
all the statement amenities &
variable autotyping & such)... is Dynamic Arrays & fileIO. Dynamic arrays
are actually how the data is stored on disc, give or take some link fields.
One concern is that I did NOT get any install disks or
docs, and the
hard drive this is on is an ancient one, making funny noises....
Hopefully it'll last a little while....
FYI - Pick/AT uses a totally
nonstandard disk format. However, at least it
obeys FDISK rules and lives in a partition. A replacement drive would have
to be identical, and your copy would have to be "bit level", nothing that
tries to understand a "filesystem".