Bill wrote:
The Sol I just got came with two 16KRA memory boards.
I didn't get any documentation for these boards.
There are two, eight bit dip switches on each board.
The settings are very different on the two boards.
Probably a fairly worthless data point, but I seem to recall that the dip
along with setting the address range that the board appeared at, also had
the ability
to 'write protect' memory...either by block or for the whole board (can't
remember for
sure which). This would be used to allow a program to be loaded into
memory, then write-protected
to allow test/debug with less worry about an errant program wiping things
out. Of course,
the program would have to be written such that read/write memory was used
for variables.
In any case, it could simply be that the board that you are having trouble
with is set up
to be write-protected.
I can't help with any specifics as to the switch settings...I just remember
this vaguely from
my days of tinkering with SOLs. A company that I did some consulting work
for many, many
moons ago used a bunch of SOLs in institutional pharmacies as systems for
keeping track of
nursing home prescriptions. I ended up writing software for one of the
retail pharmacies to
use the SOL as a utility pay station recordkeeping system. Ahhh...those
definitely were the
good old days.
Rick Bensene
The Old Calculator Web Museum