On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 9:58 PM Josh Dersch <derschjo at gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all --
Finally got all the parts together (and my act together) to actually get
an RK05 lashed up to my PDP-8/e -- only took a decade or so :). I fixed a
few problems with the RK05 and it appears to be behaving very nicely.
The RK8E controller is mostly working properly but fails interestingly
when running the formatter, and during the exerciser -- on cylinder 128 and
192 and very infrequently on cylinder 64 it will get a cylinder mismatch
when doing the seek. When running the formatter during the verification
pass, on cyls 64 and 128 if I retry the read it'll continue without issues,
but it's never successful on a retry on cylinder 192. I tried hooking it
to the RK05 in my 11/40 and it exhibits the same behavior, so I'm guessing
the drive isn't at fault. And the error is consistent across packs (of
which I have only two).
Apart from that fault the drive and controller seem to work fine -- I
wrote out an OS/8 pack with Adventure on it (or at least the first 191
cylinders of it) and it works without issue.
Reading the RK8E service docs and schematics, the cylinder address compare
is done by reusing the CRC buffer, so I suspect the issue is in or around
there -- the big problem is that debugging it is rather painful since that
logic is in the middle board of a three board set, with jumper blocks on
top -- so bringing it out on an extender isn't an option. I'm curious if
anyone's seen this issue or is so very familiar with the logic that the
fault is obvious.
I suspected the 7496 shift register at E14 which takes in the cylinder
address to be compared w/the header on disk, and I went ahead and replaced
it in the hopes that I'd get lucky, but no go.
Anyone have any advice?
I'll add that during the format/verification the drive seeks properly (i.e.
it's not missing a step or overstepping), which I've confirmed by watching
the thing walk through the tracks with the cover off.
- Josh