On 2/13/07, Richard <legalize at xmission.com>
> As difficult as it is to find information on vintage terminals, its
> even harder to find information on vintage pen plotters. A pen
> plotter was about the only form of graphical output you could expect
> to see on a vintage graphics system as film recorders were very
> expensive.
> OK, what do you have in your collection(s)?
Calcomp 1038: A0 plotter, single color. Using
huge 24V-DC servo motors for x and y. Command
language is PCI/906. This is interpreted by a
6800 microprocessor PCB (letter-size). Coordinates
are than transfered to another letter-size PCB which
contains a discrete sequencer (lots of 74xx-chips)
and the anolog server ciruitry.
I even have got the circuit diagrams for this
Best regards,