At 08:21 PM 4/9/99 -0400, CLASSICCMP(a)trailing-edge.COM wrote:
I know that folks here have traiditionally objected to
outside FAQ's
when instead the issue could be resolved by dozens of E-mails, but in
this case Doug Jone's *PDP-8 Summary of Models and Options* answers
the question of 8/E vs 8/F quite nicely:
Too bad it's wrong.
It makes it seem as if there was a box that was designated PDP-8/E and it
had a particular configuration that was retired until the introduction of a
new box with the designation of PDP-8/F. This isn't supported by the evidence.
What really happened, and I have several independent confirmations of same,
is that the PDP-8/E system evolved into the PDP-8/F in a series of steps.
Depending on the date code the machine was configured differently.
The evolution vectors were as follows:
Module updates - example M833 - M8330, M831 - > M8310
Chassis updates - Long box, single OMNI BUS
Long box dual OMNI BUS
Short box single OMNIBUS Linear PSU on side.
Short box single OMNIBUS Switching PSU in rear.
Front Panel Updates: Diode logic + 8v LAMPS
TTL logic + 6v LAMPS
TTL logic + LEDs in lamp sockets
TTL Logic + LEDS
PSU updates - Long linear PSU
Short linear PSU
Short Switching PSU (types A and B)
At some point in this evolution some marketroid decided to change the name
from 8/e to 8/f. The OEM version of this platform was
called the 8/m and
included an optional limited function front panel (although all
8/M's I've
seen so far had the programmers panel but that's only about a dozen so who
can say)
I happen to have an 8/e that is:
Short box
6v LAMPs plus TTL front panel
Side mount PSU
I recently picked up an 8/e chassis that had the dual OMNIBUS backplanes.
It is this one that doesn't have a cover. It may have been mounted in a
desk, I don't know (it also didn't have a front panel but I can use my
other 8/E front panel with it)
My guess is that the evolution of the 8/E was driven by the introduction of
the 11/20 since these changes seem have occurred between 1970 and 1972. All
8/E's with date codes prior to 1970 appear to be the diode front panel
type, All 8/E's after 1972 appear to be either 8/F's or 8/Ms (until the 8/a
came out).
The 8/M and 8/F are primarily differentiated by different inserts/color
schemes, electrically they appear to be identical. The solder mask of the
front panel says "8/E"
That being said (and yes I've sent Doug mail on this but its not exactly
FAQ material unless you really want to restore them as I do) I'd appreciate
pictures for the cover on the long one since I can fabricate a cover then.