J. Maynard Gelinas wrote:
Re: phi mag's floppy tape: Didn't this resemble that old
TRS-80 hack the 'stringy floppy'? I used to have one of those when I
was a kid (the TRS-80 Stringy Floppy before I could afford a real 5
1/4" drive), and still remember it fondly. It was a pretty cool
little unit.
For those who don't remember, it was a high speed tape drive
which used closed loop tape cartridges similar in concept to 8 track
tapes, though much smaller. Each tape could store up to 50k as I
remember, with load times under a minute. This was _impressive_ if
you were used to cassette tapes! BTW: anyone remember who the
manufacturer of the Stringy Floppy was?
Actually, I seem to recall that the Exatron Stringy Floppy was also
available for Apple and Commodore products, but there's a chance that
I'm remembering the adverts wrong.
Ward Griffiths
Dylan: How many years must some people exist,
before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd: If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
they'll never be free.