--- Bob Bradlee <Bob at BRADLEE.ORG> wrote:
I was the technical editor for Cadence Mag in those
days, and reviewed a lot of hardware.
As a hardware reviewer for a monthly AutoCAD news
rag, I reviewed and collected a lot of early
poweruser systems and graphic co-processors.
Redraw and regen times on large drawings was all
everyone in the CAD world cared about in the early
I had a 386/16 ARL several months before Compaq
could get the Deskpro 386 to the point they could
they sent me one to review.
Still have my original ARL in storage. Had to send
the Deskpro back after the eval period but I picked
one up a few years later. I think it is still in
Aha, knew I was right! ;)
I am sure the Zenith Z100 was the first 8085/8088
dual processor production system that ran both
processors at the same time.
There was also the Rainbow and the Epson QX-16,
though the earlier QX-10 had an aftermarket (Titan)
8088 board that was reasonably compatible from what I
First 80186 I saw was a card for an IBM pc about a
year before the AT came out.
It was all so long ago :)
More then likely the Orchid Turbo-186. Got one
somewhere, just haven't seen it in a while. The '186
fell out too :(
Do still have my Vermont Microsystems dual graphics
card (80188 on board). Emulates CGA pretty well it
seems. No drivers for the advanced modes though :(
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