seriously, I have a machine with 16K * 48bit words of memory that
can be written under program control, but which can't be read back by
said program. This memory has nothing to do with any peripheral
Is it, say, a microcode store, on maybe a PERQ of some sort?
Of course. The processor can write to the control store, it can execute
the control store's contents as microinstructions, but it can't read it
back as 48 bit words.
Of course at the hwardware level the control store is being read when the
instructions are executed, the RAMs do have conventional data outputs, etc.
I should have made it more difficult by specifying I had a 24 bit machine
wit said 16K*48 bit memory. Firstly some people would probably have
assumed that there was significance in the fact that the memory width was
twice the word size (there isn't, all classic-PERQs have 48 bit wide
microcode), and secondly, most PERQs are 20 bit machines, the 24 bit one
is moderately uncommon (to put it mildly)