Will Cooke via cctalk wrote:
? Theoriginal paper is
Edward N. Lorenz, "Deterministic Nonperiodic
Flow",? Journal of
TheAtmospheric Sciences,Vol. 20, March 1963, pp. 130-141.
It is at multiple locations in the web. One source is:
At Cornell I took John Guckenheimer's and Steve Strogatz's courses,
inaddition to the more EE-focused nonlinear systems course taught
byHsiao-Dong Chiang.? Really beautiful stuff.
Thanks!? Looks like a really interesting read.
What I think is most awesome, in terms of the role that computing held
in this discovery, is that mathematicians since the early 20th century
took as granted the idea that the "limit sets" of the trajectories of
solutions of time-differential equations were either periodic (also
called limit cycles)? or singletons (stable or unstable equilibria at
a single point in space).? Lorenz, through digital integration of a
simple third-order differential equation, proved that there were other
kinds of limit sets.? These limit sets are distributed in space and
occupy geometries that we now call "fractal".? When they are the
result of a chaotic solution to a differential equation, we call them
"strange attractors".? The first one that was studied was Lorenz's
strange attractor, which, in 3D space, looks like a butterfly. I don't
know if there is any connection between its shape and the popular
"butterfly altering an initial airflow in the dynosaur's era"
interpretation (by the way, utterly dumb for anyone who knows about
real-life nonlinear dynamical systems).? But what I do know, is that
mathematicians had to suddenly backtrack 50 years and try to
understand how they could be so wrong.? And that's how chaos theory
emerged.? Thanks to numerical computation.