On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Mike Loewen
<mloewen at cpumagic.scol.pa.us> wrote:
? I'm trying to find some documentation for an HSC C016 processor board,
which came with an IMSAI 8080 I acquired. ?It has a Motorola 68000 8MHz
processor, and connects to a Cromemco ZPU board in the IMSAI via a small
daughterboard which plugs in underneath the Z80A...
Nice board.
? I've been able to find only a few references to
this board, and no
documentation. ?Does anyone here have experience with this setup, or know
where to find docs? ?Thanks.
I have no information and no docs on this board, but I know a bit
about the 68000.
The daughter card should be easy enough to untangle - it's just an
address comparator, a couple of buffers and the off-board connectors.
If I had that rig, the first thing I'd do is to draw a schematic of
the daughter card at least, to understand how data gets off the ZPU.