----- Original Message -----
From: "Sridhar Ayengar" <ploopster at gmail.com>
To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts"
<cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Backups - was Re: 8mm data cartridges
Ethan Dicks wrote:
how much of the GBs of files on your hard drive is user
generated and irreplaceable and how much is just OS/App bloat along
with internet downloads?
Part of my gigs and gigs is digital photographs going back to 1996 of
places and buildings in Antarctica that aren't there any more. I
would consider that irreplaceable. I do have multiple copies on
multiple (types of) media.
Indeed, I have a 2TB array here which is about 2/3 full, and contains no
application, game or OS binary code at all. There's some source code in
there and a couple of FTP mirrors, but most of it is data of various
Peace... Sridhar
Well I would expect people here to have "data", but I would think most
people just have stuff they can download or rip again (music and movies). I
have a few GB of pictures taken with a digital camera that get backed up a
few ways (mirrored to another machine, MO, and DAT). But if you look at the
GBs of files on my main machine its mostly OS, Apps, drivers, and Games that
take up the space, not user created data.