Unrelated question: Does anyone know if the PL/I and
APL implementations
for VMS were sublicensed from a third party or were they DEC originals? I
ask because I'm trying to get PAKs for both and while working through the
Compaq mess is slow if the original authors have a hobbiest program that
might be quicker.
Do you happen to have the *old* software handbooks for VMS? They might give
you an indication.
However, I'm fairly sure neither product is covered in any way by any of the
Hobbyist programs. Basically the only two companies activelly supporting
the Hobbyists besides Compaq are Process software with Multinet, TCPware,
and Purveyor, and Raxco with whatever it is they're offering (something to
do with printing and/or disk defragging). There is also a European company
that makes a menuing software package that is available for VAXen for free,
and one Alpha at a company for free (so it's sort of available to
hobbyists). There was also a Database company that was offering time
limited Beta versions of their Database a while back, but I forget who they
were. There were rumors that Oracle was going to do a Hobbyist version of
RDB a while back, but it doesn't look to have happened.
One of the big bummers from the Hobbyist side is that Process software won't
be able to release a Hobbyist version of PMDF thanks to thier licenseing
agreement with Sun.
Now if someone would do a Refresh of the Hobbyist CD's. I *really* need a
copy of TCPIP V5.1 for my Alpha!!! And would like OpenVMS 7.2-1 for it.
BTW, my thanks to everyone that answered. I was hoping I'd be able to run
V5.5-2 on at least one of the 4000's I've got. That the model 60 will run
it is really good news, as it looks like I've finally got a use for it :^)
Looks like it's time to retire the 3100/20, since it's only reason for
existing is to do compiles on a V5.5-2 system a faster box would be nice.
I'm hoping I can get Oracle running on a newer version than V5.5-2 though,
as I believe V6.2 is the minimum release that can be in a cluster with V7.2
systems. Right now the model 90 is running V7.1.