You might be thinking of "Build the first
Low-cost All Solid State TV
Camera!", by Walker, Garland & Melen, Popular Electronics, Feb '75
(just after the famous Altair issue).
It looks like Michael Holley hasn't scanned it in yet.
>I remember a document from the 80s that described how to take a DRAM
>chip, decap it, and use it as a crude camera. I think I remember
>something about a lens too. It might have been a joke...
For all those who have expressed interest, I have uploaded scans
of the following documents to:
Build the Micro D-CAM Solid State Video Camera / Byte Sep-Oct 83
Micron IS32 Optic RAM data sheet (used in above)
Build Cyclops First all Solid-State TV camera for experimentors / Pop Elect. Feb 75
Regretably the first two are from rather poor photocopies (these issues are missing
from my BYTE collection) - but are for the most part
These are in a temporary area, and will be gone when I need to reuse the space.
Everyone/anyone is welcome to archive/post them as you see fit.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: