I was roaming the local GSA surplus depot and have the following to report;
Pallet lot of DEC manuals about 5 feet high, boxes and boxes of ringed
binders, and a bunch of paperbacks still in shrinkwrap. labeled $60
System Industries tape drive, like a VAX used in a 5 foot high 4 foot deep
very nice cabinet. label $100
Large box of tapes 600 to 6250 bpi, I didn't notice a price.
Pallet of 11 items, including old printers, but also a Tandy 1000, and a
commodore Amiga, and other stuff I didn't ID. label $250
The routine discount from labeled price is 60 to 70% off, but they want to
get rid of these items, so be creative.
GSA surplus depot is listed in the phonebook and has a web page.