At 09:10 AM 11/18/00 -0500, R. D. Davis wrote:
An Internet outage and the UUCP system is
broken. On the other hand, a UUCP network of systems connected via
the telephone network could survive an Internet breakdown.
In an ideal world, every computer on the net would have
better fallback methods of connectivity. I have T-1 to
my ISP, but I wish I had a modem fall-back. I'm sure it's
simply a matter of rearranging my firewall. I think my
ISP would need a way to automatically reassign my DNS
records so I could continue to receive mail, for example,
but I'm sure that's asking too much.
did you ever
think about what the real purpose of those "sound barrier" walls is?)
Something to do with flouridation of water?
- John