On Sep 16, 2007, at 10:02 AM, jim wrote:
I'd watch that whatever the pins set on is
conductive. I think you
can get some static effects if you don't have conductive materials
in the thing. I had one that was made in a black plastic bread
box, and it had conductive foam to park the parts in.
If you get a unit that isn't an eraser as suggested in other parts
of the thread that is all I'd watch. Make sure that the other
units have metal to set the parts on, since a barber shop
sterilizer may have glass or such, and not metal.
This is very true. EPROMs store their bits in "floating gates",
which are conductive areas which are totally surrounded by an
insulating material. Exposure to UV light causes that insulating
material to become partially conductive, allowing the charge to drain
from the floating gate...and that charge has to GO somewhere.
The gate charge 'goes' to the other side of the gate insulating material,
within the chip. The gate charge does not charge the chip relative to the
rest of the world, so it does not have to 'leave' the chip (if that is
what you are suggesting).