On 12/15/08, Alexandre Souza <alexandre-listas at e-secure.com.br> wrote:
I have, too...
I need 4 of them to upgrade my Rejuvenator in my Amiga
1000 from 1M of CHIP RAM to 2M of CHIP RAM (that and a "Fatter Agnus",
but those aren't as difficult to find as the RAM itself).
411000s? I have lots of these stashed somewhere. I could send you, but
I'm in Brazil and these are by no means rare...
Not 411000s - those are 1Mx1s unless I'm quite mistaken. I have a
small pile of those. What I need (as mentioned in the subject line)
is 1Mx4, perhaps known as 441000s, perhaps by other numbers; and I
agree with Keith that they are uncommon in DIP format (which is what
the Rejuvenator is prewired for - remove 8 256Kx4 DIPs, install 4 1Mx4