Gordon JC Pearce wrote:
Do it the simple, but inelegant way. 6264 CMOS DRAMs and a couple of
AA batteries.
Hmm 8Kx8 ram ... thats the dreadied BYTE ... back back you cursed thing.
Now a 8Kx9 ram would be very useful for me. 16kx4's useful for PDP 8's.
Well I am using 16kx4's and 16kx1's for a homebrew 18/9 bit computer that
is to give the illusion of a mini-computer in the 1980 to 1985 time
frame that
could have been built had the 8 bit micro not advanced into a 16 bit machine
as quick as it did. Since the computer does not have overflow and stack
are shoe-horned into the CPU it is more a digital controler than a real
like say a PDP 11 but it does have some logic that may make compiler writing
simplier. I'll give more details when I am done but I hope to have the
flavor of
TTL based computer had you been able to get a ALU and Flip/Flops designed
around octal digits.