On 14/06/2012 03:15, Glen Slick wrote:
I bought a couple of these BC19S cables to have as
spares for $18 each,
including shipping. Haven't seen a cheaper price recently.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/300649403425 Very nice, but $150 to ship to the UK? I could
almost fly out and pick
one up for that....
Physically it looks pretty much the same as the BC18Z,
but maybe slightly
improved. The block on the monitor end of the cable with the keyboard and
mouse jacks looks the same. But the R,G,B leads coming out of the block
look almost twice as long and thicker. In my opinion that is an improvement
since on my BC18Z the shorter and thinner leads appear to have some strain
on them when attached to my monitor and one of the leads has a frayed outer
shield where it attaches to the connector block.
I haven't actually connected the BC19S between my VCB02 and monitor yet to
verify identical electrical functionality with the BC18Z.
On Jun 5, 2012 8:43 AM, "N0body H0me"<n0body.h0me at inbox.com> wrote:
> So, what's the difference between a BC19s and a BC18z?
> My suspicion is that it's either mechanical, or cosmetic
> if they're electrically equivalent . . .
> Jeff
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: robert.jarratt at
>> Sent: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 09:38:07 +0100
>> To: cctalk at
>> Subject: RE: Technical Specs for DEC Cables
>> For the record, it turns out that the BC19S cable also works on a VCB02.
>> Regards
>> Rob
Dave Wade G4UGM
Illegitimi Non Carborundum