On 02/27/2015 10:23 PM, Billy Pettit wrote:
This is actually an IBM Model B typewriter. It is the
older predecesor to the Selectric.
And, it is a more reliable and easier to interface device
for the enthusiast to work with. The key is finding an
encoder/decoder on the underneath of the keys. As far as
I know, only Soroban made these devices. Judging from the
wires, I would guess that this typer has the Soroban (or
equivalent unit).
I already have one, badly in need of rubber replacements.
That is the problem with older typewriters - the rubber
breaks down into dry powder. The model B has a power
roller of rubber. It has an individual trip cam for each
physical key, so loss of rubber means nothing works.
Oh, boy! That sounds just like how a Flexowriter works. I
had one, and the rubber was
hard and glazed. You had to exercise all the keys for ten
minutes any time you wanted
to use it, and then if you didn't use it for a week, you had
to do it all over again.