I was just looking at the programming instructions for the 2716 and it's very
different than a 2708 in some areas. For example Intel says the programming pulse should
be 50ms (55MS MAX). I can't find any mention of a minimum number of programing pulses
or minimum total time so I THINK one pulse is supposed to be able to program it. Of
course, you'll want to verify the data and reprogram it if necessary. They specificly
state "that the 2716 must not be programmed with a DC signal applied to the CE*/PGM
At 08:21 AM 5/6/02 -0700, you wrote:
I obtained a bunch of 2708 UVEPROM's, and I'd
like to
be able to program them. As you may know, they require
a different algorithm than the 2716 and on, and three
voltages, +5, +12, and -5.
I'm building a little board that will program 1/2 (the
upper or lower) of a 2716 to a 2708 (I can program
2716's). But I can't find a description of the
algorithm that is detailed enough. What I think I know
1. The /OE line must be high
2. select address and data (start at addr 0)
3. bring PGM line from 0 to 27 volts for 1 mSec, then
drop back to 0 (this seems very strange)
4. repeat 100 times per address (not all at once,
increment the address lines and loop to avoid
"overheating" a byte.
5. drop /OE and verify.
Does anybody have an authoritative description, and a
current requirement for the +5, +12, -5, and
programming pulse? Thanks.
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