On Fri, 4 Jun 1999 03:05:05 GMT, lemay(a)cs.umn.edu said:
Does anyone here have experience with AT&T 3B2
300 hardware/software?
I apparently have a pile of doc and software which is in complete disarray.
The software is all on 5.25" DSDD diskettes, and i'm not even sure if
i have what i need to format and reinstall an operating system. Does
anyone know what type of hard drives these computers support, or know
if the floppy drive can be upgraded to high density?
This is going to be tricky. I have a 3B2/400 which seems to work, but
I have never dared to do much with it because I do not have any software
on tape or floppies at all, only what is on the hard disk. To install or
maintain the system, you need a special 'system manager' floppy which has
the needed formatter and other tools, and that even until the end of life
of the systems was only available from AT&T direct for a stiff price.
Even the tcp/ip communications software was an (expensive) option.
I don't have it, my machine only has serial ports. BTW, you need special
RJ45 to DB25 cables for the serial ports, do you have those?
Hmm, Apparently I would also need the 5 3B2 Core System floppy disks,
which I dont have.
This is what I have on floppys:
UNIX Writers Workbench
Ver 3.0 SVR 2 (4 floppy set)
Spell Utilities
3Bnet Utilities
Basic Networking Utilities
Inter-Process Communication Utilities
Terminal Filters Utilities
Documenters Workbench (4 disk set)
Line Printer Spooling Utilities
Unix Pascal Compiler
FORTRAN Programming Utilities (2 disk set)
C Programming Utilities (issue 3.1) (3 disk set)
Extended Software Generation Utilities (3 disk set)
Extended Software Generation Utilities (issue 3.1) (3 disk set)
The Unix System V utilities pack containing:
* Directory & File Management Utilities
* Terminal Information Utilities (2 disk set)
* System Administration Utilities
* User Environment Utilities
* Editing Utilities
* Help Utilities
* Security Administration Utilities
-Lawrence LeMay