Let's see if a small classic computer question stands a chance
against the Din of Dissension and the Cacophony of Contumely that
swirls in Voracious Votices of Vitriolic Vituperation... but I digress.
The Question:
Given, a PDP 11/44 system with attached SMD drive and 9trk streamer
drive, running under RSTS/e V9.7. No OS docs are availble. 'Help' is.
I would like to be able to move files to and from the 9trk unit.
The controller is a TM11 and the device is MS0:. I have spent some
hours reading to 'help' files related to this operation. I am pretty
sure the *hardware* is correct and functional.
I have played with Init-ing, Allocate-ing, and Mount-ing and the
using PIP to move files. It is likely PIP doesn't speak sequential
file devices but I'm not sure.
I am leery of experimenting with Backup and Restore until I know
more about the subtleties of their operations.
Thanks in Advance