--- "J.C.Wren" <jcwren(a)jcwren.com> wrote:
I was in the local purveyor of old chips
establishment today, and
noticed a drawer of about 20 AMD2901CDC bit slicers. I don't know how
common they are right now, but it *seems* that I remember a thread of
someone looking for some. The price on the drawer said $5/ea. That may
be high, may be low, I don't know.
Seems high to me. BG Micro lists "AM2901"s at $1.50. They are on page
five of the current catalog under "miscellaneous" along with 2907s,
2909s, 2910s, 2911s, 2964s and 29701s. I only mention them in context
in case someone recognizes them as a different family of chips.
I certainly would have ordered their "AM2901s" to drop in place of
an AMD2901, hopefully without incident. At the moment, though, I
have several in my drawer of "pulls" from when I stripped a dead
VAX/11-730 CPU board about 12 years ago. Before anyone lights up
a flame thrower, we had a crate of dead CPU boards at work (it was
cheaper at the time to purchase entire 11/730s for parts than have
one 4 hour visit from DEC field service) and I pulled the 2901s to
resurrect a friend's vector processor for his Battle Zone. The
operation was a success. I pulled 8 2901s from the CPU board, gave
him 4 of them and he was back in business. Still works. Still have
the other 4 in a drawer in case he calls back.
Still... if you _really_ needed one or two, $5 isn't a gawdawful
price, but it's more than you might have to pay with a little digging.
I'm sure they were a lot more than that even 10 years ago.
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