On Tue, 2004-01-06 at 23:43, der Mouse wrote:
>> But
some true classic computer users _LIKE_ noise! To me the more
>> noise a computer makes, the better!
I once had the (mis)fortune to use a machine with a Seagate 2G
Barracuda in it. I will cheerfully swap you my entire stock of those
drives for otherwise equivalent _quiet_ drives of half the capacity.
Curious. Were there earlier and later models of those capacity drives?
I have a Sun drive array with 12 of those drives in and they aren't that
noisy (I don't tend to run it unless I need the storage space
temporarily just because of the power requirements though)
Actually I have two ex-SGI SCSI drives from roughly the same era
(rebranded IBMs, one a 8.6GB and the other a 4.3GB) in a PC and I'd say
they were louder than all 12 of the 'cudas running at once (that's even
with the case open on the sun array)