I guess my first question would be -
If you're running on an 11/83 under RSTS/E,
why WOULDN'T you want to use 22-bit addressing?
Surely you're not "wasting" a perfectly good 11/83 on V6C or V7.0 ?
But, to answer your question -
My interpretation is that you can:
Use 22-bit addressing, in which case RSTS/E (V8.0 and above)
will see the controller as a TSV05, and will use 22-bit addressing
to access memory above 256K (when applicable).
You'll note that if you do a HAR LIST under RSTS/E V8.0 or above,
it will flag this drive as "extended features enabled", indicating that
it can use the full 22-bit address range.
Set 18-bit addressing, in which case RSTS/E (V7.0)
will see the controller as a TS11, which will ONLY be able to access
256K of memory without modification to the device driver.
(V8.0 and above might (properly) recognize it as a TSV05 either way,
however, the "extended features" will be disabled, and it will only be
able to access 256K of memory.)
If I left anything out, I'm sure someone will chime in. . . .