On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 20:31:51 -0700, dwight elvey wrote:
HI Jay
I thought Tom Pittman's TB was for 6502? ( or maybe 6800?)
When I met Tom at his house many years ago (about 1980) to purchased this TinyBasic for
the AMI
EVK300 6800 card. I had a copy I was running on an Intel SDK80 8080 card and wanted one
for the
6800. At the time he was just finishing up a 1802 version for RCA. He still had his
origional 4004 system
on the porch punching paper tape on an ASR33, and was very proud of the floppy controller
he had
designed for a memorex SSSD 8" floppy drive running he had running on the 4004 so he
could change
processor/tape formats on his punch on demand duplicarion system. I know he had a 6502
version and I
asked about a 2650 version and was told at the time, he did not have any plans to do one
unless Signetic
or someone would underwrite the cost of it. I think he was getting tired of the project at
that point.