On Sat, 31 Aug 2013, Tony Duell wrote:
Note: not
for use with TrimLine phones.
Or Ericofons?
probably not.
I feel like sayign that if it _will_ take an Ericofon then I will eat my
Ericon. But actually, knowing the people here I am not that stupid...
The model 500 style works fine, and is what it was
designed for. So does
the model 700 style ("Princess"). The "Celebrity", with its fake
handset does fine..
But, the celebrity phone is a little hard on the goam lining the lid.
I suspect it could be got to take the handset on a UK (GPO) 706 ot 746,
etc. Ithink that's a 'Handest 3A' but I would have to check.
The later, squared off handsets will sorta work (if your foam is in good
condition, and you aren't trying to use the modem in a very noisy place.)
They might deform the cups.
The extreme scarcity of telephones with handsets is probably the reason
why this hasn't gotten the level of offers that it should :-)
Telephone collecting _tends_ to go by countries, I guess partly for
reasons of nostalgia (you want the telephone you grew up with). But I
have 4 US500 series sets here. A coulle of 500s (one AT&T, with the
'network' in that potted metal can, the other GTE IIRC), a
564 (key-and-lamp set, again AT&T, but alas without the associated relay set)
and an ITT-Cortelco 2500 (DTMF, but with ICs on the dialer PCB). What I have
not found, and would like, is one of the original DTMF sets with the 2
pot cores and one transistor on the back of the keypad.
As I metnioned, I also have a Trimline.
So I guess there are 500 series sets out there...