On 7/11/05, Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
(don't bother to resolder the shift-lock wires at this stage)
Excellent advice - I melted my PET's capslock switch as a teenager
while replacing the PCB at the back of the keyboard (my brothers and I
wore out the A, 4 and 6 keys playing the ML version of Space Invaders
for hours and hours on end - the gold was _visually_ missing from just
the middle of those three keys). I still have that keyboard with the
defective caps lock. :-/
At least I took the opportunity to snarf the old keyboard harness and
build a "wedge" between the new keyboard and the motherboard - I ran 4
lines off the board to an external box with 3 real arcade buttons ($9
each in 1980!) that paralleled the normal A and 4 and 6, so we could
bang away all night and not ruin the _new_ keyboard.