On Wed, 10 Feb 2010, Dave McGuire wrote:
I do see where you're coming from. Perhaps I
give OO too much
blame, but I stand by my accusations...it does deserve a lot of it,
in my opinion. It wasn't until very recent releases of common C
compilers, for example, that a simple "hello world" program in C++
generated a 600KB (yes, six hundred kilobyte) binary. I've
demonstrated that (along with its 4KB C equivalent) many times. I
was, admittedly, pleased to see that this particular brand of idiocy
has been addressed. I have no idea what was in that damn binary.
But, don't you WANT to have a "division by zero" exception handler built
into your "Hello world" program?
When I taught C, I made the students use multiple compilers, including
command line (DeSmet/PCC, GCC) and IDE (TurboC, Microsoft C++), and
compare the results.
The other teacher, teaching another section, used Microsoft C++, and spent
the entire semester on how to use the compiler, and never really got
around to any C.
At the end of the semester, my students could write simple C programs, and
could figure out how to use other compilers. His students could use
the Microsoft compiler (without understanding what they were doing), but
couldn't create any programs on their own! (He gave all A's!)
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at