On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 11:37:52AM -0400, Paul Koning
Any reasonable xterm-like tool in the Xwindows
world has VT100
Close, certainly, but not necessarily close enough... I was using a Gnome
xterm window (RedHat 9) as my "terminal" to klh10 running TOPS-20. For
most stuff, things were fine. Emacs, though, didn't render quite right.
I ended up hooking a dumb terminal up to a serial port and _that_ worked
"gnome-terminal" is NOT an xterm. It is an extremely dumbed-down
terminal emulator written and maintained by developers who can't imagine
and never even considered that you might want to use it to connect to a
remote system, let alone a non-Linux remote system.
"That's what VNC is for." <-- verbatim quote from a
"developer" on
the gnome-terminal maintainers' list.