On Monday 02 September 2002 18:39, Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) wrote:
On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, tim lindner wrote:
Did anybody ever market a floppy disk system that
communicated via
Yes, but, ...
Only one really "caught on"
Radio Shack "Portable Disk Drive" was sold for the Model 100.
It was serial, but not quite RS-232. The first version was
Single-Density? on a 3.5" disk.
I picked up one this weekend, with a bag of drive rails, 4mm DAT tape and
a bunch of odd commodore and Tandy parts.
I also managed to get the Barbie PC back working. It seems that the
battery is esential for the machine to work and if the battery is dead it
won't even power up.