On Apr 8, 2005 6:49 PM, Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
Now in the back of my car :)
Had to go to Fulham to help pick up a Pr1me 750 mini earlier and these
machines were only just down the road, so I grabbed them at the same
time. There was no sign of the 3/50 but we've already got one of those
and they're pretty dull hardware-wise anyway - no great loss!
Won't get a chance to look the Sun stuff over until tomorrow though...
Oh splendid!
Oddly enough, Kake (Kate/Kaet), the young lady getting rid of them,
was at my house this morning. Her B/F has just rented my spare room...
This house now has, by any reasonable definition, an *excessive*
number of computers. I must get rid of some, somehow...
Liam Proven
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