On Thu, 2010-12-02 at 20:09 -0800, Al Kossow wrote:
kbd.h is in DEV351_6.IMD on bitsavers.
hopefully someone with a running machine can just send you the file
out of
There's another (more complete) set of disc images on
http://www.unixpc.org/floppies/ -- in dd format. Take the development
disc set (disk0[1-8]), and cat them together:
cat disk0[1-8] > devel.cpio
Open the cpio file in Midnight Commander, navigate to usr/sys/kbd.h, and
hit F3.
I get the impression that the protocol is fairly simple; a preamble byte
before the mouse/keyboard data, groups of three bytes for mouse data
(0x80 set for the 1st byte in a group, clear for the other two), a
preamble byte for keyboard data, then the keyboard data.
The fun part will be emulating the FORMAT TRACK, READ TRACK and WRITE
TRACK commands on the 2797 FDC... which of course is Job #1, seeing as
the machine won't boot without a floppy or hard drive :(
classiccmp at philpem.me.uk