Had this machine dropped on me last night...
Can anyone tell me anything about it?
So far, google etc. have turned up little.
It's a "squat" format workstation or server of some
kind: 11"w x 18"d x 21"h
Front bears the name: UNISYS A SERIES
Two doors reveal:
Upper: Tape drive, CD-ROM, Floppy
Lower: Power/Drive lights and key switch
Two serial number labels on the back, a smaller
one which says:
Style: A7-311
And a larger one which says:
Style: CER4344-100
One of labels inside says it was made in 1994.
Appears to be somewhat "PC-ish":
- Large maniboard with EISA slots
- CPU card with 486 CPU and "OVerdrive socket"
- VGA connector on back
- PS/2 Keyboard and Mouse connectors
- Also has serial, parallel, SCSI and UPS
It also has a very large network card, and another
card with more RAM and several large UniSys chips
that I don't recognize (one with a large metal lid
with the warning "DO NOT PRESS ON LID" printed
on it!).
It powers up, but reports that it's configuration is bad,
and that I should run the setup disk. All I can do is
press F1 to try and boot the floppy.
Doesn't appear to be a PC - attempt to boot a DOS
floppy results in silence (machine sucks on it for a
while, then goes into la-la land).
Attempt to boot a cleaning disk results in the message
"Disk read error" and return to the "Press F1" prompt.
(which suggests that it didn't have trouble reading the
DOS disk).
Can anyone tell me exactly what this is? What does it
run? Any information would be appreciated.
dave06a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools:
com Collector of vintage computing equipment: