On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 1:37 AM, Cameron Kaiser <spectre at floodgap.com> wrote:
Nope, that's a terminator, actually. The problem
could be the file system,
but if it's Mac OS 7.6, it should understand ISO 9660 as long as the
standard extensions are there.
The other problem is the drive. 7.6 probably won't
recognize the DVD-ROM,
and won't recognize many CD-ROMs unless they are Apple ROMmed or there are
appropriate drivers. I use Apple-branded CD-ROMs with all my systems.
It's actually a copy of windows xp I had sitting in another machine.
So it should be ISO9660. Maybe the mac won't read it out of
principle. ;-)
I had originally planned to use this scsi box with my amiga which
isn't so hardware-picky. I've been wanting to get one of those
external apple-branded cdrom drives so maybe I should start shopping
for one of those.
doesn't seem to work. ?I get a light on the hub, but it
doesn't seem interested in letting me get to the network.
AppleTalk or TCP/IP? Do you have a MacTCP control panel? TCP/IP?
tcp/ip. MacTCP looks like it's there, but again, it doesn't seem to
work. I'll send out an exact error message and a description of what
I'm doing tonight.
Check that you have the File Exchange control panel
installed, but this
again should be a standard part of 7.6.
I'll play with that it more tonight.