On Tue, 2008-08-05 at 11:44 -0400, Barber, Brennan wrote:
I cam across your posting and wanted to see if you also collected IC's?
Finding other collectors is a rarity for me so I thought I would shoot
you and e-mail. I collect clones (russian, eastern block, etc.), Intel
engineering samples and any IBM cpus.
I prefer to keep the ICs in the boards ;-)
I bought a decent haul of PDP-11/23 stuff from a guy in Australia,
having outbid a chip collector by a penny or two at the last minute.
Those boards are now assembled up in a spare BA23 I had, sitting in a
mate's workshop where it occasionally gets fired up and played with.
I like having butterflies in my garden, too. Butterflies flying around,
not dead in little boxes.