On Mon Mar 21 13:04:33 CDT 2011, Chris Elmquist chrise at
pobox.com wrote:
Then the very bottom panel piece on mine has a
roughly 1" x 3/4"
rectangular hole cut in it near the right side. A white rocker switch
with ( 1 / 0) embossed on it will fit that hole though and serve as my
master on / off for the rack (via that 872-A PDU) I guess.
Most (if not all) of the "newer" BA11 chassis and/or power supplies
will already have the same 3-pin connector you're talking about.
If you have a BA11-L chassis, take a peek at the H777 power supply.
It has a power distribution board that should have a 3-pin molex connector marked
Connecting this pin-for-pin to the 3-pin connector on your H872-A power controller
will turn on all of the switched outlets on the power controller, whenever the 11/34 is
powered up.
You can daisy-chain addiitonal power controllers, using the 2nd 3-pin connector on the
As for the hole on the kick-plate. . . I'm not sure what that's for -- I've
seen it before though.